Prime Lambs
The weekly sale of Prime Lambs at Lancaster saw four active buyers present, ensuring a competitive trade with an overall market average of 172p/kg achieved. The trade was topped at 200p/kg or £94 for Texel lambs from TR Prickett, Hutton Roof who sold other Texel lambs in excess of 190p/kg. Suffolk lambs sold to a top of £90 from E Lund & Son, Ingleton. Plenty of lambs sold around the £80 mark with Mules selling to a top of £78 from K & DE Woodhouse, Ellel. Once again, well-finished lambs were in plenty of demand with buyers cautious of lambs lacking in flesh.
Cast Sheep
Cast ewes today sold to a top of £70 for Suffolks from K & DE Woodhouse, Ellel. Mule ewes topped at £65 from PD Anderston of Scorton.